Best 25 CrossFit Wods Easy And Works For Beginners

Best CrossFit Wods for beginners, we have modified it and reduced its intensity and density to suit new people.

Nevertheless, this type of exercise requires some fitness and effort, because it is designed to be a kind of challenge. The time factor is also important because the sooner you complete it, the better.

For people who have never practiced this type of exercise, they should be as careful as possible and should be near a specialized trainer.

Also, the exercises that we will talk about today do not require much equipment and do not require a large space as well.

CrossFit WOds for beginners

25 CrossFit wods for beginner

These workouts are originally performed by professionals, and may require high physical fitness, although we have modified them to be a little easy, but they are still high intensity.

These workouts are also preferable to do with a group of people in order to impose some challenges, doing them alone may not be a better option.

If you’ve never tried CrossFit or haven’t been doing some exercise for a long time, maybe you should start with some activities that are less intense and easy and don’t put you at risk of injury like a BodyPump would be a great option to start with first.


This wod is based on doing 50 repetitions of each movement, but we have modified it to only 25 repetitions to be much suitable for beginners.

  • 25 Box Jumps (24 in for men / 20 in for women)
  • 25 Jumping Pull Ups
  • 25 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 Pood for men / 1 Pood For women)
  • 25 Walking Lunges 
  • 25 Knees to Elbows
  • 25 Push Press ( 30 lbs for men / 20 lbs for women)
  • 25 Back Extensions 
  • 25 Wall Balls (15 lbs for men / 10 lbs for women)
  • 25 Burpees
  • 25 Double Unders


This is a high-intensity and more challenging exercise, based on doing the movements quickly and stopping for moments when you feel tired.

We have also reduced the number of reps and weights, you may also need some equipment, an iron bar and some plates.

  • 15 Thrusters ( 35 lbs for men / 25 lbs for women)
  • 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls ( 40 lbs for men / 30 lbs for women)
  • 15 Push Jerks (35 lbs for men / 25 lbs for women)
  • 15 OverHead Squats (35 lbs for men / 25 lbs for women)
  • 15 Front Squats (35 lbs for men / 25 lbs for women)
  • 4 Burpees at the top of each minute

Usually this exercise is performed without breaks between sets, but you can rest a little if you feel the need to.

WOD 3 : THE 300

  • 15 Pull Ups (men) 10 Pull Ups (women)
  • 25 DeadLifts ( 35 lbs for men 25 lbs for women)
  • 25 Push Ups
  • 25 Box Jumps (24 in for men 20 in for women)
  • 25 Floor Wipers
  • 25 Kettlebell Clean And Press ( 1 Pood men / 0.75 Pood women)
  • 15 Pull Ups (men) 10 (women)


The Zeus workout is one of my favorite and wonderful exercises in CrossFit and it may seem a little easier, but it is very effective, and we have also reduced its intensity to make it a little easier.

  • 20 Wall Ball Shots ( 20 lbs for men 15 lbs for women)
  • 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls ( 35 lbs for men 25 for women)
  • 20 Box Jumps 
  • 20 Push Presses ( 35 / 25 lbs)
  • 20 Calorie Row
  • 20 Push Ups
  • 6 Back Squats (Bodyweight)


This workout consists of three rounds, 5 minutes for each round and one minute for each exercise, and it is also a high intensity exercise, so we have reduced its intensity to suit the beginners.

  • 1 Minute Wall Balls (20 lbs / 14 lbs)
  • 1 Minute Sumo Deadlifts High Pulls (35 lbs / 25 lbs)
  • 1 Minute Box Jumps (20 in / men and women)
  • 1 Minute Push Press (35 lbs / 25 lbs)
  • 1 Minute Row ( 1 Calorie = 1 Rep)
  • 1 Minute for relaxing and rest, but you can take long rest if you need to


The WITTMAN workout is based on performing two successive rounds with a short rest period in between.

  • 10 Kettlebell Swing ( 1 Pood / 0.75 Pood)
  • 10 Power Clean ( 35 lbs / 25 lbs)
  • 15 Box Jumps ( 25 in / 20 in)


OGAR workout, although it is simple, but poses greater challenges, usually the contestants perform this exercise for 14 minutes continuously, but in today’s exercise we will be satisfied with 7 minutes.

  • 3 Snatches ( 45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 1 Muscle-Up ( If you do not have gymnastics equipment, you can do it on a hanging iron bar or anything that can carry your body weight.)
  • 12 Wall Balls (15 lbs / 10 lbs)


This exercise was designed by Private Michael Murphy to be a rigorous military exercise, but since it is aimed at beginners we tried to reduce the intensity as much as possible.

MURPH is a high-intensity cardio exercise that can be done outside the home or in the gym because it includes activities such as running.

  • 0.7 Mile Run
  • 50 Pull-Ups
  • 100 Push-Ups
  • 150 Air Squat
  • 0.7 Mile Run

====> Improve your endurance with Running <====

Try to divide the repetitions into small groups, for example, after completing the running stage and entering directly into the house or the fitness hall, do 5 aerobic squats, 10 push-ups and 5 pull-ups and then repeat the same thing.

And do not forget to rest a little when you feel the need to do so.


HAMMER workout consists of 5 rounds, and it is also a strong exercise and requires some fitness.

The adjustment is to only do 3 rounds and rest for 180 seconds instead of 90 seconds.

  • 5 Power Clean ( 45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 10 Front Squats ( 45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 5 Jerk ( 45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 12 Pull- Ups
  • 180 Seconds Rest and Repeat


DIRTY THIRTY will definitely be the final blow to your muscles because it is a difficult exercise and requires high fitness, so try not to stress yourself too much and do what you can tolerate.

  • 20 Box Jumps ( 24 in / 20 in)
  • 15 Jumping Pull-Ups
  • 20 Kettlebell Swings ( 25 lbs / 16 lbs)
  • 20 Lunges
  • 20 Knees To Elbows
  • 20 Push Press (30 lbs / 20 lbs)
  • 20 Back Extensions
  • 20 Wall Balls (16 lbs / 10 lbs)
  • 20 Burpees 
  • 20 Double Unders


NUTTS is a one-round exercise that relies on speed and lifting some weights.

  • 4 Handstand Push-Ups
  • 15 Deadlifts ( 50 lbs / 40 lbs)
  • 25 Box Jumps ( 24 in)
  • 25 Pull-Ups
  • 50 Wall Ball Shots ( 16 lbs / 10 lbs)
  • 100 Double Unders
  • 300 Meter Run with 20 lb plate


THE SEVEN is a workout that consists of 7 rounds and targets the heart strongly and requires some fitness and effort as well, so we will be satisfied with only 4 rounds with a reduced number of repetitions.

  • 5 Handstand Push-Ups
  • 5 Thrusters (45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 5 Knees To Elbows
  • 5 Deadlifts (55 lbs / 45 lbs)
  • 5 Burpees
  • 5 Kettlebell Swings ( 1.5 Pood / 1 Pood)
  • 5 Pull-Ups


HOTEL HELL depends on two movements, the burpees and the dumbbell hang, so you do 5 burpees at the beginning of each minute and then you do the dumbbell hang as much as you can for the rest of the minute and then take a break in the last 10 seconds.

And the modification in this exercise is, two minutes instead of one, you will do the exercise as it is but in two minutes.

  • 50 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean Thrusters ( 20 lbs 15 lbs)
  • 5 Burpees At The Top Of Each Minute

WOD 14 : OPEN 19.4

OPEN 19.4 workout consists of two sets, three rounds per set We will leave the exercise with the same rules but reduce the intensity.

3 Rounds of:

  • 10 Snatches (45 lbs 35 lbs)
  • 12 Bar Facing Burpees 
  • 3 Minutes Rest
  1. 3 Rounds of:
  • 10 Bar Muscles Ups
  • 10 Bar Facing Burpees

Time Cap 12 Minutes


WOD 15 : OPEN 19.03

This workout depends on doing one round, and performing several sets with many repetitions.

  • 100/150 feet Overhead Walking Lunge With Dumbbell ( 30 lbs 20 lbs)
  • 25 Dumbbell Box-Step-Ups (24 in / 20 in)
  • 20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
  • 100 Handstand Walk

Time Cap: 15 Minutes


This workout usually consists of 3 rounds, and it is one of the best exercises that burns calories intensely because it combines aerobic exercises and resistance exercises.

We’ve modified it to only have 2 rounds.

SET 1 – 3 Minutes

  • 20 Overhead Squats ( 40 lbs / 30 lbs)
  • 20 Bar Over Burpees
  • Last 30 Seconds Max Carl Air Bike
  • Rest for 3 Minutes

SET 2 – 3 Minutes

  • 17 Overhead Squats ( 50 lbs / 40 lbs)
  • 17 Bar Over Burpees
  • Last 30 Seconds Max Carl Air Bike


This exercise depends on doing two movements, the burpees and the kettlebell swing, so that you repeat these movements for five minutes without interruption.

  • 20 Kettlebell Swings ( 1.5 Pood / 1 Pood)
  • 15 Burpees


This workout is simple, but also requires some effort and fitness, and you may need some rings or a bar in order to perform some movements.

3 Rounds

  • 10 Front Squats (50 lbs / 40 lbs)
  • 10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
  • 10 Burpees

Try To Finish The Workout in 15 To 20 Minutes Max


FRANZILLA is a common exercise in CrossFit centers, because it is full of challenge and requires some discipline, fitness and speed as well.

  • 21 Thrusters ( 45 lbs 35 lbs)
  • 14 Pull-Ups
  • 15 Thrusters ( 50 lbs / 40 lbs)
  • 10 Chest To Bar Pull / Ups
  • 9 Thrusters (55 lbs / 45 lbs)
  • 6 Bar Muscle Ups

====> Learn How To Master Pull Ups like a Pro <======


TOP GUN is also no different from other CrossFit workouts, and it is also effective in burning calories and requires a greater challenge.

This workout consists of one round and depends entirely on lifting weights, so we reduced the intensity and removed some weights.

  • 15 Thrusters (45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 15 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 15 Push Jerks (45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 15 Overhead Squats (45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 15 Front Squats (45 lbs / 35 lbs)
  • 4 Burpees At The Top Of Each Minute


There is a lot of enthusiasm in this workout, it requires fitness and some speed in the performance.

Usually you should do several repetitions for a period of 19 minutes and rest after every 3 minutes, but we have adjusted the duration and repetitions to only 12 minutes.

  • 5 Cycles Of 120 Seconds Each
  • 3 Power Cleans ( 50 lbs / 40 lbs)
  • 6 Push-Ups
  • 8 Air Squats 
  • Rest 1 Minute Between Each 2-Minute Cycle

====> Learn How to master Clean and Jerk with all the variations step by step <====

WOD 22 : FOO

The FOO workout combines resistance exercises with heavy weights and high intensity cardio exercises, and we have added some modifications to it to make it easier for beginners.

Time 25 Minutes

  • 5 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
  • 35 Double Unders
  • 2 Squat Clean Thrusters ( 55 lbs / 45 lbs)
  • 25 Sit-Ups
  • 10 Bench Presses (55 lbs 45 lbs)


WHITE is a challenging workout that is popular with many CrossFit pioneers, and has also been modified to suit beginners.

The workout consists of 5 rounds, but we will be satisfied with only 3 or 4 rounds.

  • 3 Rope Climbs ( 8 – 12 ft)
  • 20 Overhead Walking Lunges (35 lbs / 25 lbs)
  • 8 Toes To Bar
  • 300 Meter Run


JORGE is one of the difficult workouts that require high fitness, so you must be careful with this exercise.

We have reduced the repetitions and weights in order to be suitable for beginners, and also may not be available to do at home you may have to go to the gym.

The exercise consists of only two movements: GHD Sit Ups – Squat Cleans

  • 15 GHD Sit Ups 
  • 12 Squat Cleans (45 lbs 35 lbs)
  • 12 GHD Sit Ups 
  • 8 Squat Cleans (45 lbs 35 lbs)
  • 10 GHD Sit Ups 
  • 4 Squat Cleans (45 lbs 35 lbs)
  • 6 GHD Sit Ups 
  • 6 Squat Cleans (45 lbs 35 lbs)
  • 4 GHD Sit Ups 
  • 2 Squat Cleans (45 lbs 35 lbs)


CINDY FULL OF GRACE it’s a workout that consists of 3 rounds and is a really fun and challenging exercise.

    3 Cycles For Time 

  • 10 Cleans And Jerks ( 45 lbs 35 lbs)
  • 3 Rounds Of Cindy

1 Round Of Cindy is = 5 Pull Ups – 10 Push Ups – 15 Air Squats

You can see how to perform these moves here

Also you can see 15 Wod CrossFit for increasing muscle mass


CrossFit exercises may be a great option for anyone who aspires to build a strong physique.

CrossFit exercises are characterized by speed in performance and challenge, but as we have already mentioned, it may not be the best choice for everyone, especially beginners.

What distinguishes CrossFit exercises is that it gives a full-body workout, helps burn a large number of calories per serving, and helps build a strong body and high endurance.

These exercises are designed to be easier for beginners and less dangerous for them, but you must take the necessary precautions to avoid injury and do things in the right way, and for this we highly recommend joining one of the CrossFit fitness centers.

If you benefit from this post, we will be grateful if you share it with your friends, and do not forget to comment with your favorite.

Hamza Bjr
Hamza Bjr

Hamza started his journey with building fitness and strong muscles 4 years ago, he was able to successfully change the shape of his body and he was able to earn a third-class coach certificate from the "SET" Center, after that he decided to use his simple knowledge about exercises and high-intensity training to help many others people achieve their goals.

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