12 Best Triceps and Biceps exercises for bigger arms (Cables Only)

Looking for the best Triceps and Biceps exercises for bigger arms? then you’re in the right place!

Sometimes my eyes fall on a huge arm with attractive tattoos on it, and I say with amazement that this is a beautiful tattoo, but what makes it more beautiful is the largeness of the arm and the prominence of its muscles, especially the biceps and triceps muscles, and this is what drives me and many people to wonder how these people can Build these two muscles.

This post brings you good news about that, it may be that getting the biceps and triceps muscles is not as complicated as some muscles such as the abdominal muscles, so that we will learn about the 12 most reliable exercises that can be relied upon to achieve this goal.

Follow me to learn how to do the most powerful biceps and triceps exercises and the benefits you will get, as well as the mistakes that you must avoid while training these two muscles.

What is Biceps and Triceps and what is their function ?

Before you start training any muscle in the body, it is important to get to know it a little, and to know its function and how it will help the body if it is strong, so we will give a superficial knowledge about these two muscles.

Triceps muscle: according to NCBI, it is that large and thick muscle located in the dorsal section of the humerus, and it consists of three heads, the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head, and its main function is to extend the forearm at the elbow joint.

The biceps muscle: according to the NCBI, it is a muscle that has a head on each side (two-headed), and it is a large and thick muscle in the ventral part of the humerus (anterior part of the elbow), tightened from above by the long head (Caput longum) and to its side the short head (Caput breve), and its main function is to assist the forearm during flexion and rotation.

Triceps and biceps

Are training Biceps and Triceps with cables a good option?

According to the NCBI website, in a report I provided on the effectiveness of the cable machine in targeting muscles, the cable machine allows a greater number of degrees of freedom than other equipment, and the cable allows a greater range of muscle stretching.

If you are a gym goer, the cable machine alone may dispense with all other equipment such as dumbbells, barbell or something else, because the cable machine can target any muscle in the body and work to sculpt and build it well. Strength, as with biceps and triceps, there are many variables that can be counted on to target and fatigue these two muscles.

This is exactly what we will cover in this post.

What are the best cable exercises for training Biceps and Triceps?

In this post, we will focus on the 6 best exercises for the biceps and 6 exercises for the triceps, which can be combined together in one training session. You can isolate one of the groups that we will discuss and rely on as an exercise for the two muscles together.

Best 6 exercises for Biceps with a cable machine.

  • Straight bar cable curls
  • Kneeling cable curls
  • Single arm concentration curls
  • Single arm side curls
  • Rope hammer curls
  • Ez-bar cable curls negatives 

Best 6 exercises for Triceps with a cable machine 

  • Rope extension
  • Standing cable crossover
  • Overhead cable extension
  • One arm tricep extension pause reps
  • Rope kickback
  • Single arm overhead extension

6 Triceps exercises for bigger arms (training program included)

These exercises have been selected by a specialized trainer, and have proven their effectiveness in targeting the triceps muscles so that they work to stretch them well and target them throughout the exercise and work to sculpt them well so that your back arm looks more strong and durable.

Also, the exercises that we will mention are done 100% using the cable machine, so you can use the time in the gym when the cable machine is empty to train the triceps muscle.

1- Tricep rope extension 

Extension of the triceps with the cable rope is one of the best exercises that keep the triceps muscle under pressure throughout the exercise, and it is one of the exercises that well targets the muscle because the grip of the rope and the extension of the cable downward isolates the triceps muscle alone and the muscle benefits from the exercise fully.

How to do it correctly:

  • Stand two steps away from the cable machine, if the grip is on the bar, replace it with the rope grip.
  • Bend your knees slightly, push your hips slightly back.
  • Keep your back straight and bend to about 30 degrees.
  • Grab the rope’s fists.
  • Push your chest forward well, and start extending the rope down until your hands are almost straight.
  • Do not allow your elbows to lock in more than 90 degrees when letting the rope go up.

Pro tip:

Keep pressure on the triceps muscles throughout the exercise, tighten the grip of the rope well, do not pull too far down and do not let the elbows close too much. Stand at a right angle to the elbows because this keeps the triceps muscles tense and benefit from the exercise well.

Also one more thing, never swing with the rope, just leave your hands to do the exercise.

2- Standing cable crossover tricep extension

A crossover cable is relied upon to train several muscles, because it allows the maximum extension of the muscle you want to train, and this is what makes it also effective in extending the triceps muscles, so that the movement of the hands in extending the cable scissoring to the sides plays to keep the triceps muscles tense throughout the exercise.

How to do it correctly:

  • Well you know Cable Cross, you have a cable coming on your right and a cable coming on your left.
  • Stand straight in the middle, bend your knees slightly.
  • Keep your back straight and keep your face down as well.
  • Hold the cable on your left with your right hand, and hold the cable on your right with your left hand.
  • Pull the cables tight until both hands are straight on each side.
  • Start slowly releasing fists until your fists are in front of your chest, then extend them back to the previous position (extended straight on each side).

Pro tip:

Extend your hands well to your sides and down, be sure to do this to target the triceps muscles, also leave some space between your elbows and your lateral chest muscles (the size of a fist).

Don’t forget to keep your back straight at all times and your chest pushed forward.

3- Tricep overhead cable extension

Well this is one of the killer exercises for the triceps muscles is to extend the muscle above the head, this extension allows the muscle to be stretched well backwards to the opposite, so that the triceps muscles must continue under the pressure of the weight and pull it again forward, believe me this is a real exercise for the triceps muscle, you should not Never ignore it.

How to do it correctly:

  • Adjust the cable machine to a low position (behind the thighs would be fine).
  • Stand two steps away from the cable machine.
  • Hold the ropes and turn around (leave the machine directly behind your back, two steps away).
  • Stand straight, pull the handles of the rope just behind your head, lower your head slightly.
  • Start pulling the rope up until your hands are straight above your head.

Pro tip:

Do not go with a heavy weight beyond your fitness level, also do not bend your back forward while pulling the rope up and keep the triceps muscles under pressure throughout the exercise.

4- One arm tricep extension pause reps

This exercise allows you to target each muscle alone, this makes you focus on each muscle well and get the most benefit.

It also depends on slow repetition. This is the secret of the hypertrophy and endurance of the muscle because it remains under terrible pressure with each repetition, and this is what makes it one of the triceps exercises that deserve to be on our list today.

How to do it correctly:

  • You need to replace the two cable grips, put only one grip.
  • Adjust the grip so that it is directly in front of your shoulders.
  • Two steps away from the machine.
  • Stand straight, bend your back straight and slightly, only 10 or 15 degrees.
  • Keeping your chest pushed forward, pull the cable down until your hand is straight at the side of your body.
  • With your fists pointing down, let the rope grip slowly come back up. Stop when the elbow is at a 90-degree angle.
  • Extend your arm straight. After 3 seconds, let the rope come back up. After 3 seconds, stop at 90 degrees and so on.

Pro tip:

If you get too close to the cable machine you will be in a position to allow the triceps muscles to rest but we do not like this so move away a little bit and press only the triceps muscles, also keep your entire body in the same position, the whole exercise revolves around the movement of the forearm, extend well down and leave the forearm backup Stop at 90 degrees, and so on.

5- Rope kickback triceps

The kickback rope is also one of the exercises that bodybuilders rely on to build the triceps muscles because it is effective in targeting them and allows the muscle to be stretched over a large range and keeps it under stress throughout the exercise.

How to do it correctly:

  • Adjust the rope low (slightly below the knees).
  • Stand two steps away from the rope machine.
  • Keep your feet close together and bend them slightly, bend your back straight as if you were to 
  • pick up something off the ground.
  • Pull the rope grip to the side of your waist. (the elbow behind your back)
  • Pull your forearm back (your fist should go behind your back).

Pro tip:

This exercise, like other triceps exercises, focus on the triceps muscle throughout the exercise, and this is done by keeping the elbow fixed all the time, only the elbow from going back with the fist.

6- Single arm overhead extension

Extension of one hand above the head is also a killer exercise for the triceps muscles as it allows you to target each muscle alone, also makes you focus on pressing the muscle significantly and stretching it widely, also you can rely on this exercise to sculpt and inflate the triceps muscle.

How to do it correctly:

  • Adjust the cable machine to a low position (behind the thighs would be fine).
  • Hold the rope behind your head, two steps away from the cable machine.
  • Stand straight, hold the cable firmly behind your head.
  • Pull your fist straight up until your hand is straight over your head.

Pro tip:

Keep the elbow well bent back before rotating it upwards, keep your focus on the triceps muscle and do not go with a heavy weight beyond your fitness level, also do not bend your back when pulling the cable.

Triceps training program

Beginner10-12360 sec
Intermediate10-12460 sec
Advanced10-12560 sec
Table of triceps training program

6 Biceps exercises for bigger arms (training program included)

These exercises have been selected by a specialized trainer, and have proven their effectiveness in targeting the Biceps muscles so that they work to stretch them well and target them throughout the exercise and work to sculpt them well so that your back arm looks more strong and durable.

Also, the exercises that we will mention are done 100% using the cable machine, so you can use the time in the gym when the cable machine is empty to train the biceps muscle.

1- Straight bar cable curls

Straight bar curls is one of the best biceps exercises and the most popular among bodybuilders, because it allows you to extend the biceps muscle deep to the bottom and contract it well again, also extending the cable with two opposite hands puts the muscle under strong pressure throughout the exercise.

How to do correctly:

  • Adjust the cable machine to a low position (below your knees would be best).
  • Stand straight, one step away from the cable machine.
  • Pull the cable, keeping your hands straight and diagonally in the direction of the cable.
  • Pull the cable and rotate your forearms up to your chest.

Pro tip:

Keep standing straight and push your chest well forward, also do not move your arms to the sides or forward, rely on the movement of the forearm and elbow only from the top to the bottom, also do not swing, stay still throughout the exercise.

2- Kneeling cable curls

Cable curls supported by the knees is also an exercise that many beginners do, perhaps because it seems a bit easy, but it is a strong exercise for the biceps muscles so that the muscles stretch well to the bottom and the movement of the forearms in pulling the cable compresses the biceps muscles with each repetition.

How to do it correctly:

  • Adjust the cable machine to a low position (below the knee).
  • Squat a step away from the cable machine.
  • Grasp the two fists of the bar, point the fists of your hands upwards.
  • Keep your back straight with your hips.
  • Supporting your elbows with your knees, start pulling the cable into your shoulders.

Pro tip:

Try not to swing forward or bend your back while doing this exercise. It is also a good idea to keep your elbows supported by your knees throughout the exercise and to put pressure on your biceps throughout the exercise.

3- Single arm concentration curls

This exercise makes you focus completely on training each muscle alone, it puts the two muscles under the greatest possible pressure throughout the exercise so that there is no room for rest for the muscle and this is what makes it better, and you can rely on it to build large and sculpted biceps muscles on your arm.

How to do it correctly:

  • Adjust the cable machine to a low position.
  • Spread your feet a little more than shoulder width apart.
  • Squat until your thighs are almost straight with the ground.
  • Bend your back straight forward, place the lower part of the triceps on your right knee (this is if you are going to work the right hand first).
  • Support your elbow with the other hand, place it under it, and then begin to pull the cable toward your biceps.

Pro tip:

Push the hips back well and stay balanced throughout the exercise, do not bend your back and be slow while pulling the cable into the biceps muscle, try to keep it under pressure throughout the exercise.

4- Single arm side cable curls

This exercise provides you with training for the biceps muscle in a side position, and this increases the challenges on the biceps muscle and keeps it under great pressure throughout the exercise period. It helps you build large and sculpted biceps muscles and also helps to strengthen them well.

How to do it correctly:

  • Adjust the cable machine to the side position (parallel with one of your shoulders).
  • Stand straight with the cable grip at your side two steps away.
  • Hold the grip firmly (your fist is waved upward), the cable should remain taut even if you let your hands go straight into it.
  • Begin by pulling the cable directly toward your biceps.

Pro tip:

Focus on the movement of the elbow and forearm, your arm should remain straight all the time, only pull the forearm to the biceps muscle, also do not swing when pulling the cable to the other side, stay straight at all times.

5- Rope hammer curls

It is one of the most famous biceps exercises that is usually performed with dumbbells, but the effect of the cable has an effective role in targeting the biceps muscles, stretching them well and exhausting them throughout the exercise, and this is a good and reliable exercise to train, amplify and strengthen the biceps muscles.

How to do it correctly:

  • Adjust the cable machine to a low position.
  • Change to the rope grip, standing about a step and a half away from the cable machine.
  • Stand straight with your knees slightly bent.
  • Hold the rope handles close together.
  • Press on your hands, keeping the elbows close to you.
  • Rotate the elbow and pull the forearms toward your chest.

Pro tip:

Keep the biceps tight as much as possible, do not push the elbows away and also do not raise them while pulling the rope, leave it only for the forearms, and also keep your chest pushed forward and your back completely straight.

6- Reverse ez-bar cable curls 

The last exercise is with the help of the Ez-Bar. The reverse grips of the Is Bar allows you to put more pressure on the biceps muscles so that they are more challenging and need more strength and keep them tense throughout the exercise. This exercise alone is enough to make you get huge and strong biceps muscles.

How to do it correctly:

  • Adjust the cable machine to a low position, replace it with an EZ bar (the one with two grips pointing downwards).
  • Stand completely straight, one step away from the cable machine.
  • Pull the bar with your fists pointing down.
  • Pull up to your chest, and slowly let the cable down until your hands are straight.

Pro tip:

Try to stay straight and your chest pushed forward, also do not move the elbows away from the sides of your body, and do not try to raise the arm, keep it in its fixed position, leave it only for the forearms, and do not forget this exercise you do with your fists directed down.

Biceps training program

Beginner10-12360 sec
Intermediate10-12460 sec
Advanced10-12560 sec
Table of biceps training program

What are the benefits of having strong Biceps & Triceps?

Having strong and huge biceps and triceps muscles, this in itself is a great benefit, because the arms play an important role in stabilizing the body, and also one of the most physical organs that a person uses are the hands and feet, so if your arms are strong, you can beat some obstacles that you may face easily, if Your arms were weak this is a problem.

  • These are some of the benefits that people who have strong arms enjoy:
  • It makes your daily life easier, perhaps carrying heavy things at home, or carrying your child and getting the maximum amount of love when he’s between your hands.
  • Improve your ability to lift weights in the gym, the arm is also the way we target almost all the muscles of the upper body, so if it is strong this will enable us to get the most out of training other muscles.
  • The running speed is also improved, because the arms play a role with the movement of the feet while running.
  • It appears very attractive under clothing. (funny)

Common mistakes people make during training Biceps and Triceps.

There are some common mistakes that many beginners make while training the biceps and triceps muscles, so that beginners do everything in their power to get results but to no avail, and this may frustrate them and cause them to throw the towel and abandon their goal.

So here are some mistakes that you can correct if you do one of them:

  • Excessive training: Excessive training of the biceps and triceps muscles and exhausting them repeatedly may not give good results and in fact may be negative, so allow your muscles to recover well before training them again.
  • Going with heavy weights from the beginning: this may expose you to injury and it may be difficult to fully recover from it as it takes a long time to recover, so you can go with light weights and you can add weights gradually when you feel that you are able to do so.
  • Doing the exercises in the wrong way: this is also a reason that may expose you to injury, and it is due to insufficient experience, so make sure that you do the exercises in the right ways.
  • Not eating enough protein before or after training: this is also one of the strongest reasons that may prevent you from seeing satisfactory results, so it is necessary to rely on a healthy diet that nourishes your body well.

Smartly train your biceps & triceps

I advise you to rely on a qualified coach if you are a complete beginner, because a good coach gives you good guidance and helps you achieve your goals.

The coach can also protect you from some injuries that you may easily suffer while training alone.

Stick to training your biceps and triceps regularly and be slow in your movements, don’t try to keep up with those gym fanatics, they took years to get to where they are now, so be smart and train slowly.

Also watch your diet and make sure you are getting enough macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats).

Useful links

These links may be useful to you if you are a fan of building fitness and strength or gaining muscle at home, these links contain the most powerful CrossFit exercises that you can rely on mainly.

If you are a fan of bodyweight workouts, you can rely on these workouts at home, believe me, you may not need anyone to build strong fitness only at home.

Best CrossFit wods for abs at home

More than 50 Bodyweight wods for beginners (no equipment needed)

Best Jump rope wods to burn a lot of calories

10 Leg extension alternatives at home

If you have some equipment such as dumbbells, or a bar and some weights and you are a fan of building muscle, you may want to try the best CrossFit workouts for strength and build muscle endurance.

Best CrossFit wods for building strength

Best CrossFit dumbbell wods for beginners

The only 3 Wods you need to build strong muscles at home

The most effective alternatives for cable crunches
If you are used to going to the gym, you can train the back area with the best cable workouts for the back.

Hamza Bjr
Hamza Bjr

Hamza started his journey with building fitness and strong muscles 4 years ago, he was able to successfully change the shape of his body and he was able to earn a third-class coach certificate from the "SET" Center, after that he decided to use his simple knowledge about exercises and high-intensity training to help many others people achieve their goals.

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