Can A BodyPump Be Done At Home? (Everything you need to know)

 Now that everyone prefers to do exercises at home, BodyPump classes are now available remotely from Les Mills and can be done only from your home without the need to go to the gym, socialize, etc.

Therefore, we will provide general guidance on the results that you can get at home and answer the most common questions about this matter.

Can a BodyPump be done at home?

Of course, you can do it at home, especially after many people prefer to exercise at home or take classes remotely. This has made many fitness centers meet the requests of their customers by offering fitness classes remotely, and the good thing is that this also works well. Because you can do the same thing you do in the gym only in the backyard of your house and sometimes your bedroom does the trick.

BodyPump At home

Are at-home BodyPump classes the same as the ones they do at the gym?

Yes, they are the same. You specify the type of classes you want to take and also the time, and you can choose the coach as well, in order to ensure the quality and comfort of the customer, and sometimes it is difficult for some customers because even though he gets the same classes that they offer in the fitness centers, but He can’t provide the same atmosphere and fun that he gets in the gym, sometimes he may feel a little bored, but this is normal if he is determined not to give up and is convinced that he wants to take lessons at home.

What equipment do I need to do a BodyPump at home?

The equipment you need for this type of exercise is simple, and often not very expensive. Even if you do not have enough money to buy new equipment, you can buy old equipment from a friend or from a market. There are many options.Well, here is the list of most of the equipment used by people who do body pumps at home:

BodyPump at home

yoga mat:

He wanted to buy it very much, because it is one of the most equipment that you will need, because it is not only for yoga, but you can do cardio exercises and pump the body as well, and it will protect you from injury resulting from touching your body with the ground and so on.

Dumbbell weights:

You need some weights, you will need them to perform squats, exercises that target the biceps, or hammer exercises.

Also, they target the upper part of the body strongly, and many movements can be performed using dumbbells, and they are no less important than the barbell for the body pump and they provide a good favor also for other exercises.

The step:

You will need it badly because some body pumping exercises depend on it completely, and it can also be used even in cardio exercises, such as internal and external pressure exercises, which are intended for climbing and descending while carrying weights, in order to strengthen your feet and thighs.

Bar and some weights:

One of the most important equipment is also to have a bar and some weights, between 5 and 20 pounds of weights will be enough for beginners, you will need this tape in order to perform many exercises such as squats and deadlifts and in order to strengthen your forearms.

Time and Frequency Calculator:

An Apple Watch or a phone will do the trick for checking the time, calculating heart rate, and so on.


It is necessary to listen to music in order to perform body pump exercises, because most of the lessons in Les Mills depend on the rhythm of the music, which gives the exercise a special pleasure because there are several songs dedicated to this type of exercise.

Can I get satisfactory results?

Many people confirmed that they obtained more than satisfactory results when they followed the routine of body pump exercises, whether at home or in the gym. The result does not differ much, and in fact the results depend on the extent of your commitment to the exercises and your respect for a healthy life and a good diet because These margins also have an impact on the quality of the results that you get, and in general, you have to be strict with yourself a bit in order to get the results that satisfy you.

Some of the reasons that prevent you from obtaining satisfactory results:

Many women during the workouts do five repetitions and browse their Instagram page for five minutes or more and then go to take pictures in front of the mirror…, It is natural that the results are not satisfactory for them.You should work in this way: you have 45 minutes that you must make full use of without interruption and do not rest too much because this slows down the compliance of the muscles to the exercises and you may suffer injury or failure.

Not getting enough rest and sleep, also will not help to show good results.

Not following a healthy diet can spoil what the exercises build.

Performing exercises incorrectly also will not help the muscles to adapt, or the muscles may grow incorrectly, so you should consult a special trainer.

Is doing BodyPump exercises at home a good option?

Yes, I think it is a great option, and it has many benefits as well. Among the benefits that make doing exercises at home a better option:

Enjoy privacy:

There are people who prefer to train with groups, and there are others who prefer isolation and privacy, so training at home for these people is fun and fulfills their needs.

Not to lose a lot of money in fitness centers:

Training at home also protects your pocket from the flow of money to the gym, because all you need is to acquire some necessary equipment, and even if you do not prefer to take paid lessons, you can follow the trainers on YouTube or any free platform, and also many people did not cost them to get fit high one cent.

Get the same results:

Body pump classes, they can be done anywhere so it’s a normal thing to do at home. All you need is some space, equipment, music and a good channel belongs to a good trainer to do the exercises in the right way.

Protection and prevention from germs:

Especially with the spread of the Corona epidemic, everyone is afraid of shaking hands, so it is natural for him to be afraid of using equipment that touches many hands or mixing with many individuals in a narrow place, so training at home protects you from all these obstacles.

Works well with people who are short on time:

This is the best feature, that you will not need half an hour to reach the gym, an hour to exercise, half an hour to return, and 10 minutes to take a shower. This will definitely encourage you to quit sports if you suffer from a lack of time.So at home, as soon as you wake up, you start exercising, have a healthy breakfast, go to work, and earn more time for morning coffee.

Can I lose weight?

If you consume 300 calories a day, for example, and at the same time do some low-intensity physical activities such as walking, and keep the same physical activities, but when you reduce quantity intake calorie consumption, you will definitely lose some weight gradually as this program continues.It’s about calories and the intensity of the physical activities you do, so with regards to the amount of calories you lose while performing body pump exercises, you must lose weight over time while maintaining a healthy diet program.

BodyPump at home

When can I see the results?

n fact, it is difficult to predict the answer, because when it comes to losing weight, there are many factors that can facilitate the issue and on the contrary can make it difficult.It depends on the diet that you follow, and the type of exercise program that you do, for example, there is a person who exercises high intensity 4 times a week and another person does only two sessions a week, so there is a huge difference in the amount of calories that the two people burn.If you want quick results, you may want to increase the intensity of exercise, and on the other hand, this may not suit everyone, so it is desirable to follow the plan that will make you lose excess fat and not muscle. According to Mayo Clinic.

And to answer the main question, you should notice some progress within a few weeks of starting your body pump routine and the fat loss may be a little slower but you will notice the weight loss on the scale.


This is a summary of everything we mentioned above, surely now you have been able to clear most of your doubts about doing a body pump at home, in fact, the home and the gym are the same thing, the only difference between them is the atmosphere and equipment, so if you have the necessary equipment and dedicated A room or the backyard of the house for doing exercise, and it will be better if you train with your close friend, wife or husband, so that you can create the right atmosphere and it will not differ much from exercising in fitness centers, and therefore the results will be better if you stick to your sports schedule at home.Share this article if you benefit from something new, or find some answers to your questions related to this topic!

Hamza Bjr
Hamza Bjr

Hamza started his journey with building fitness and strong muscles 4 years ago, he was able to successfully change the shape of his body and he was able to earn a third-class coach certificate from the "SET" Center, after that he decided to use his simple knowledge about exercises and high-intensity training to help many others people achieve their goals.

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