Best 10 BodyPump Barbell Workouts To Try At Home

 Since you are here, you are definitely looking for the best BodyPump barbell workouts, and aim to get fit without going to the fitness centers.

Fortunately, the BodyPump classes offers several exercises that you can do at home and does not require a lot of equipment or space, and is very effective and gives a full body workout in 30 to 40 minutes.

Let’s not waste time explaining the details and let’s get to know these exercises and what their impact on the body is and what results you will get by performing them constantly.

10 BodyPump Barbell workouts to try at home

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, before starting the exercises you must do some warm-up such as jumping and training with some light weights until you feel your heart rate rise and feel some heat, it is important to do this before any exercise in order to avoid injury and remember to do the movements properly as well.

The exercises below may not be able to do in a short period of time if you are a beginner, so rest for longer periods between sets and start slowly

1- Shoulder Circuit:

This exercises targets several areas of the upper part of the body, such as the anterior deltoid muscle, the upper pectoral muscle, the lateral deltoid muscle, the anterior serratus and the triceps of the brachialis, all of these areas are highly targeted when performing the shoulder exercise.

How to do it: This exercise requires you to stand almost straight with your knees slightly bent, and start raising the barbell to your chest at a moderate pace and raise it over your head also at the same pace.

Weights required: 15 lbs
Reps: 6 times for the chest and 6 times over head
Sets: 2

2- Floor Oblique Twists:

Oblique twist on floor

Oblique Twists Most people ignore it, knowing that it is one of the best exercises that target the waist area and abdominal muscles, so if you want to have a sexy body and a slim belly that you can flaunt in the summer,  Oblique Twists will help you achieve this.

How to do it: lie on the floor or on a yoga mat, then raise your upper part from the floor and raise your feet and bend them a little. You should take the shape of the V, then to add some challenges try to hold a light weight in your arms and try to turn your body to the right and left and around not moving your feet make them in fixed position.

Weight required: 10 lbs
Reps: between 30 and 60 according to ability
sets: 2

3- Bicep Curls

Biceps curls

The biceps is an exercise that helps strengthen your forearms, chest area, and shoulders and is a common BodyPump exercise.

How to do it: You must avoid some mistakes that beginners make while performing this exercise, first, you must avoid excessive swinging of the back, secondly, your elbows should not go too far, so try to press on your feet and make your back straight and start pushing the bar to your chest And don’t let your elbows go too far.

Weight Required: 30 lbs
Reps: 12
Sets: 2

4- Tricep Overhead Extensions

Tricep overhead

Triceps exercise is also one of the exercises that works to strengthen the back of the hands and is also useful for people who suffer from the problem of curvature of the back and helps to strengthen the shoulders.

How to do it: take one back foot into split stance which is more stable for the lower back, take plate above the head, elbows lifted and pointed forwards, then bend elbows and plate behind the head, and straighten elbows to ceiling.

Common Mistake: 

  • Do not put elbows wide or arms away from ears

Weight Required: 15 lbs
Reps: 12
Sets: 2

5- Chest Press

Chest press

Chest press, targeting the chest area, shoulders and hands and helps to tighten the chest muscles and strengthen the hands.

How to do it: first lay down on the bench, pull the belly in and  the brace, keep your hand wide and bring bar down to mid chest, shoulders away from ears, and start pushing up slowly, when you pulling bar down, pull elbows wide to open chest, squeeze chest muscles as you push the bar up.

Common Mistakes:

  • Do not bring bar towards your neck
  • Do not bring elbows too far down, elbows need to stay above bench

Required weight: 30 lbs
Reps: 12
Sets: 2

6- Core Side Raises

The lateral raise is one of the exercises that helps to strengthen the upper body and works to isolate the posterior deltoid muscle, and helps to strengthen the shoulders, which makes you build endurance and helps to complete a range of daily activities while reducing the risk of injury.

How to do it:

Side Raise: stable your elbows in at 90 degrees, start leading with elbows out to the side, then raise your arms up to  shoulders height.
Side Rotator Raise: keep elbows at a 90 degree angle, take the elbows out to the side, take the arms up and maintaining 90 degrees and pushing forward with the plates.

Common Mistakes:

  • When performing Side Rotator Raise don’t take your arms too high
  • when performing Side Raise don’t take the arms too high and too straight

Required Weights: 25 lbs
Reps: 15 (each side)
Sets: 2

7- Step Ups

Step Ups

The step exercise is great for the lower body, it works to strengthen your lower extremities in particular, including your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, and it really does get your body toned and will help you get slim and tight feet.

How to do it: First put a chair or smart step in front of you, it should be between 20 and 40 centimeters high, leave a few inches between your feet and the step, then raise one of your feet on the step and make sure that your whole foot is on the step so that your heel do not hang down, your knee, feet and hips are straight and your back takes the shape of a wall.

The second movement, you have to push with your foot on the stairs to go up completely until your whole body is above the stairs then return to the first position in the same way, and for some challenge it is better to carry some light weights with your hands while you are doing this movement.

Common Mistakes:

  • When placing your feet above the step, you must not lose the balance of your knees or be in an inclined position
  • Do not bend your foot on the ground while climbing, you must raise your foot straight and steady
  • Do not bend your back during the climb. Your back must remain straight throughout the exercise

Required Weights: 30 lbs ( 15 each hand)
Reps: 15 ( each leg )
Sets: 2

8- Squat to Lunges

Squat lunges

Squatting and lunging are also exercises that focus on the lower part of the body, and strengthen the muscles of the front and back thighs. You can build consistent, slim and fat-free feet if you used to practice this exercise, and there are several ways they do this exercise and The method we will present to you is similar to the one they do in the BodyPump classes.

How to do it: First stand straight, put the bar behind your head until it rests above the shoulders, spread your feet a little and then start pressing the squat and do several repetitions, return to a standing position, and put your right foot back and then start pressing on your left foot and do the same with the right foot

Squat Lunges

Common Mistakes:

  • Do not raise your heels while squatting
  • While pressing on one of your feet, your knee should be straight with your pelvis
  • Do not bend your back while squatting or while standing

Required Weights: 30 lbs
Reps: 16 ( each leg)
Sets: 2

9- Bulgarian Split Squat 

Also, this exercise is useful for the back and feet in particular, it helps build strong feet and helps keep your feet comfortable during daily activities such as work or long standing, and most importantly, it helps build the lower part of the body and shows it properly.

How to do it: First, prepare the smart step to the maximum height, but you must not miss the height of your knee.Place your right foot on the bench or smart step, then place your left foot in a lunge position.Balance your body and balance your hips with your feet, then lower into a split squat position, your chest should remain high and try to look straight ahead, and let your knee go in the direction of your toes.Hold a plate in your hands and place it near your chest, or you can use a barbell and put it behind your head while doing this exercise.

Common Mistakes:

  • Do not stand far from the smart step
  • Don’t throw your body forward too much, you should be straighter
  • Don’t put your feet on a very high chair

Required Weights: 30 lbs
Reps: 15 ( each leg )
Sets: 2

10- Abs & core

abs workout

This exercise targets the waist and abdomen area strongly, although it looks a bit like cardio exercises, but it can be done in the body pump, and helps to get rid of the bloated abdomen also i gives a full body workout and makes you appear with a thin waist if you get used to it and include it in your schedule for exercises at home.

How to do it: First, lie on your back on a yoga mat.Hold a weight plate in your hands, then raise your elbows at a 90-degree angle until they are in front of your face.Bend your knees, then raise your chest and knees in an opposite motion, be sure to keep your hands in balance while going up and push the board toward your knees, like a crunch movement.

Then the second movement, this time push the weight plate toward your knees and then extend your feet not touching the floor and push the plank to the ceiling

Weight Required: 15 – 30 lbs
Reps: 15 ( each) 
Sets: 2

How can i benefit from doing BodyPump barbell workouts?

There are many benefits that can be gained through the BodyPump, and in fact any physical activity you do at home will definitely benefit you and help clear your mood and take care of your health. Among the benefits that can be obtained:

  • First, you will benefit from an exercise routine.
  • You will achieve your weight loss goals.
  • You will gain good physical fitness, and increase your endurance.
  • Your sleep system will improve, because you will benefit a lot from it for recovery and muscle relaxation.
  • You will withstand the pressure of work, or daily stress in general because exercise absorbs that negative energy.
  • Climbing stairs and feeling tired will no longer be a problem.
  • Women who are overweight can expend energy through body pump sessions, so there is a great chance of losing weight.


We always reminding about the importance of sports in your daily life, it is one of the things that makes you move forward and the most beautiful thing, is the moment you decide to start some exercises at home, despite the difficulties that you will face in the first place, you must remain insistent on performing it, and once you get used to it, you will begin to see the fruits.
And always remember, don’t stress yourself out, start slow and beat idleness.

Do not forget to share the post with your friends who are interested, and you can comment on the best exercise you like in the body pump.

Hamza Bjr
Hamza Bjr

Hamza started his journey with building fitness and strong muscles 4 years ago, he was able to successfully change the shape of his body and he was able to earn a third-class coach certificate from the "SET" Center, after that he decided to use his simple knowledge about exercises and high-intensity training to help many others people achieve their goals.

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