8 Best Brachioradialis Exercises For Incredible Forearm

The brachioradialis muscles are those muscles that craftsmen or workers often have in construction on the forearm and are very prominent, but construction workers do not do exercises, but the movement of their fingers and the use of their hands on a daily basis is what makes this muscle grow and be stronger, so with brachioradialis exercises You will be able to get the farmer’s arm.

In this post, we will learn about the 8 most powerful exercises for the brachioradialis muscle and how to do them properly, as well as the mistakes that you must avoid while doing this exercise.

What is brachioradialis?

The brachioradialis muscle is a large superficial muscle located on the radial side of the forearm. So that it forms the lateral aspect of the cubital fossa.

The muscle arises along the proximal two-thirds of the lateral supracondylar margin of the humerus and inserts far into the lateral surface of the styloid process of the radius.

The Function:

The main function of the brachioradialis muscle is mainly as an elbow flexor, and it has been shown that the muscle is active during elbow flexion, whether the forearm is supine, neutral or flexed. (Source)

brachioradialis muscle

How can I target brachioradialis with exercises?

The brachial muscle is targeted with three fists, and each one has a specific role. It can be targeted with a neutral grip, such as the hammer curl exercise. You can do it now without weights and feel the brachial muscle, you will find it engaged.

It can also be targeted with a supine grip or when the forearm is flexed, so every exercise that bends the forearm works the brachioradialis muscles under different pressure and thus these muscles are targeted.

What are some isolation exercises that focus on the brachioradialis?

Isolation exercises are exercises that focus on only one muscle or the forearm muscles, because they occupy one joint and isolate the target muscles and focus on them alone, so here are the best isolation exercises for the brachioradialis muscle.

  • Kneeling Barbell Wrist Curl
  • Upright Wrist Curls (Behind Back)
  • Wrist Roller
  • Reverse Wrist Curl

Brachioradialis Compound Exercises

  • Hammer Curls
  • Reverse Grip ( Ez Bar Curl)
  • Spider Curls
  • Farmer’s Walk

8 Brachioradialis exercises for max gain

The exercises included in this list are provided by specialized trainers, and although they seem safe, you should be careful with them because targeting small muscles can easily injure your joints or wrist if you make a lot of mistakes, so we will learn even about the general mistakes that you should avoid.

1- Spider Curls

Spider curls are one of the compound exercises for the hand, not only for the brachioradialis muscle, but also targeting the biceps and forearm muscles.

It is also good at targeting the muscles and squeezing them throughout the exercise depending on the degree of intensity of the exercise and so on. So this is a compound exercise that can be effective along with isolating the brachioradialis muscle.

How to do it correctly:

  • First, choose whether you want to go with the bar or dumbbells, and then choose a weight that matches your fitness level.
  • Lie on an inclined bench, resting your chest on the edge of the upper bench.
  • Keep your feet on the ground, and keep your torso straight and neutral.
  • Hold the dumbbells with two fists facing down, keeping your arms about shoulder width apart.
  • Do not move the shoulder, just start curling the dumbbells down until your arm is straight and press again.

Pro tip:

The only tip you have to do is, whether you are doing spider curls on the bench or without a bench, focus on leaving your arms neutral and close to your body, all you should focus on is the movement of the forearm straight downward, then squeeze the brachialis muscles with each repetition.

Best Spider Curl Alternatives At Home

2- Wrist Roller 

This is an isolation exercise for the forearm muscles. Each time you collect the rope or fold the mat, you use the muscles of the forearm throughout the process. This is exactly the same idea of this exercise, and if you get used to doing it, it will help you strengthen and sculpt the brachioradialis muscle well, but it may not help you build mass except If you use some weight and that’s what we’ll find out in how you’ll do it.

How to do it correctly:

  • Unwind the rope so that it’s hanging straight down
  • Attach a weight to the bottom of the wrist roller
  • Keeping your elbows bent locked at your sides
  • Holding your arms close your body
  • Curl one wrist up at a time switching from side to side

Pro tip:

Try to avoid doing this exercise with straight arms because you may hurt the back deltoids, so leave the elbow on the side of your body and also bent. 

Focus on slowly unwinding the rope and try to work the brachioradialis muscles and keep them under pressure throughout the exercise.

3- Reverse Grip (Ez-bar Curl)

This exercise helps target the biceps muscle and the forearm as well, and this is due to the reverse grip. It is good to target the brachioradialis muscle along with the biceps muscle. This makes us kill two birds with one stone because the forearm we use in all biceps exercises, so it is good to go with exercises that target the forearm as well.

How to do it correctly:

  • There are those who rely on dumbbells, but it is better to rely on the Ez bar because it provides a comfortable and firm grip.
  • Like the previous exercise, you will be in the same position.
  • Hold the bar with a reverse grip, (your fists look down) Keep your grips as narrow as your chest width.
  • Stand straight, your back is well straight, your chest is pushed forward, and your feet are close together and straight as well.
  • Begin by pulling the bar into your chest, then extend your elbows back down.

Pro tip:

Keep your focus on the biceps muscles constantly and squeeze them with each repetition, avoid any kind of swinging and keep your arms aside throughout the exercise, focus on the forearm and feel your muscles under that tension.

4- Upright Wrist Curls (Behind Back)

This is also one of the effective isolation exercises for the forearm muscles, it works to put pressure on the muscles and strengthen them well, as it may be a little difficult because it requires some accuracy in movement, so you must be careful to perform it correctly in order to benefit from it well without exposing your wrist to injury.

How to do it correctly:

  • First, if you’ve never done it before, and you’ve injured your wrist before, just do it with a stick first until your wrist gets used to it and gets soft.
  • Choose an appropriate weight that is not heavy on your wrist.
  • Hold the bar behind your back.
  • Your hands are straight down, your fists looking behind your back.
  • Begin by curling your wrists upward without bending your elbows.

Pro tip:

Focus only on the movement of the wrists. Do not turn your wrists hard, but rather they should be softer. Try to feel the brachioradialis muscles and press them with each repetition.

5- Hammer Curls For Brachialis

Perhaps this exercise is one of the most famous biceps exercises and bodybuilders rely on it as a classic exercise for the biceps and forearm muscles including brachioradialis, yes because it has proven to be very effective and can make the biceps muscles tense and remain under pressure throughout the exercise. Also, the dumbbell grips play a role in this exercise because the hammer curl cannot be done with the bar, so the vertical grip targets the biceps muscles in a different way.

How to do it correctly:

  • Choose dumbbells with a weight that matches your fitness level.
  • Hold the dumbbells tightly (your fists are looking at each other).
  • Stand straight, chest pushed forward, shoulders slightly back.
  • At the same time pull your fists straight toward your shoulders in a vertical motion.
  • Keeping your elbows fixed, squeeze the muscles with each repetition.

Pro tip:

Avoid any kind of swinging, also keep your elbows as steady as possible and focus on your movements so that they should be straight with your arms extended down, and squeeze the biceps muscles at each repetition and try to reduce and extend them well.

6- Kneeling Barbell Wrist Curl

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best isolation exercises for the brachioradialis muscle because it targets it directly and puts pressure on it well, and it is relied upon by many bodybuilders because it is effective in increasing the size and strength of the forearm as well. This exercise you must rely on a lot if you want to build a strong forearms.

How to do it correctly:

  • Choose a weight that is not heavy on your wrist.
  • Your fists holding the bar with shoulder width apart.
  • Your grips looking upward.
  • Position your forearms towards the end of the bench.
  • Wrists are hanging off the edge.
  • Let your elbows steady, start doing wrists curls as if you were doing biceps curls.

Pro tip:

You should think as if you are doing a bicep curl, try to extend your wrist down well, roll the weight to your fingertips and then curl it back again, try to be slow and squeeze your muscles constantly.

7- Farmer’s walk For brachialis

We always find the farmer has strong forearm muscles and is free of any kind of fat, and their muscles appear prominent on the skin and are well solid, yes because the farmer can carry the bucket of water from the well to the tree back and forth about 70 or 80 times a day, also digging works And all manual works contribute to building the muscles of the forearm, as well as this exercise carries the same idea as it is effective in targeting many muscles, not only the forearm.

How to do it correctly:

  • Choose a dumbbell that is a little heavy, but suits your fitness level of course.
  • Grab the dumbbells at your sides.
  • Stand straight, your chest pushed forward
  • Then start walking as much as you can.

Pro tip:

Try to carry some weight. All you have to do is walk, tighten your grip on the dumbbells well and start walking as much as you can, try to change the grip you can go with the bar or something else.

8- Reverse Wrist Curls

This is another exercise to isolate the biceps muscles, and what distinguishes the bar as being effective in targeting the muscles and strengthening them well is that it keeps your fists parallel all the time and forces you to improve the position of the elbows and not imbalance all this is in the interest of the biceps muscle because it has a strong exercise to pump more of mass and force.

How to do it correctly:

  • Choose a weight that matches your fitness level.
  • First, hold the bar with reverse fists, that is, your fists are looking downward (your grips are about shoulder width apart).
  • Stand straight, push your chest forward well, bring your shoulders back a little, keeping your elbows by your body sides.
  • Begin by slowly and in a proper motion, pull the bar to your chest, then slowly extend your arms again.

Pro tip:

The most important thing is to keep the elbows stationary and focus only on the movement of the forearm, keep your arms straight at your sides at all times, draw strength from the biceps and forearms, slowly pull the bar and feel the tension of the brachialis muscles well and extend your arm again.

Brachioradialis training mistakes

Here are some mistakes that you should avoid during brachialis exercises. Making mistakes may prevent you from getting good results and increase the risk of injury, so correct now.

Not pressing enough on the Brachioradialis muscles.

You must control the movement of the wrist in order to target the brachioradialis muscles, so if you are doing wrist curls you must take advantage of your range of motion and extend your wrist well.

Going with heavy weights.

This is also a big mistake that can expose you to injury in the wrist, and the brachioradialis muscles are not that large that needs heavy weight. You can go with light weights and bound repetitions and you will get better results.

Ignoring compound exercises.

Relying entirely on isolation exercises may be good, but it is not enough for muscle growth and its appearance in a consistent manner. You must integrate some compound exercises in order to target muscles well and motivate them to activity and growth. 

For this we mentioned 4 isolation exercises and 4 compound exercises for the hand, so that you can Rely on strong alternatives.

Brachioradialis training benefits

  • Like the rest of the muscles in the body, each muscle has a specific role to play, so if you train it well, the first thing will improve its function.
  • Which will improve the function of the brachioradialis muscle.
  • Increase strength and size of your forearm.
  • You will improve your ability to use your forearm with other exercises.
  • It will increase the strength of both fists.
  • You will get a softer elbow and wrist movement.

Useful links

These links may be useful to you if you are a fan of building fitness and strength or gaining muscle at home, these links contain the most powerful CrossFit exercises that you can rely on mainly.

If you are a fan of bodyweight workouts, you can rely on these workouts at home, believe me, you may not need anyone to build strong fitness only at home.

Raise your cardio with 50 bodyweight exercise

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Also, if you want to focus on the muscles of the lower body, you may find these links very useful, you can rely on them to learn the correct movements and ways to build muscle.

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Hamza Bjr
Hamza Bjr

Hamza started his journey with building fitness and strong muscles 4 years ago, he was able to successfully change the shape of his body and he was able to earn a third-class coach certificate from the "SET" Center, after that he decided to use his simple knowledge about exercises and high-intensity training to help many others people achieve their goals.

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