7 Healthy Meals Ideas For Pre CrossFit Wod

CrossFit athletes usually need to rely on several healthy meals before going to exercises, they need to keep their body full all the time because CrossFit Wod usually may last for two hours or more, and this means that you will not be able to complete the exercise with not enough energy.

It is necessary to have a complete meal rich in carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats as well. Many beginners turn to the healthy food experience and do not get complete meals before exercising.

That is why today I will present to you the 7 best meals that can be relied upon as a source of body fuel in order to improve performance, build muscles and increase their mass, and also in order to ensure obtaining an athletic body and satisfactory results.

Let’s find out what’s on the plate today.

How should a CrossFit athlete’s meal be?

CrossFit athletes’ meals contain all the healthy nutritional elements, the most important of which are (carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats). The meal that athletes rely on should be integrated and include the best sources of energy and more balanced, depending on the type and intensity of exercise as well.

Athletes’ meals should include vegetables, fresh fruits, some lean steaks, fishs, chicken and whole grains.

====> best high sources of carbs for pre CrossFit < ====

What are some examples of meals to rely on before CrossFit wod?

CrossFit athletes always innovate in preparing healthy meals rich in the necessary nutritional elements, despite the lack of CrossFit sports nutritionists and there is little evidence of diets that can suit CrossFit, this makes CrossFit champions try all kinds of foods and continue with the diet that meets Their needs are like the Zone Diet.

I’ll leave you with a recipe for seven healthy meals (on a budget) you can count on before your high intensity CrossFit workouts.

Note: These meals meet the needs of the body before performing the afternoon exercises (between 1:30 pm and 4:30 pm).

Pre CrossFit Meal 1

  • (4 oz) Chicken Breast
  • (1 cup) Brown Rice
  • (2 tbsp) Fat-Free Mayo
Block CabsBlock ProteinsBlock FatsCalories
41g36.9g2.8g353 cal
nutritional value table

Chicken breast contain high levels of protein, and with the addition of a cup of boiled rice, you will get a strong carbohydrate boost, and this completely turns into enough energy to complete the exercises with the greatest amount of vitality.

crossfit food

Pre CrossFit Meal 2

  • (4 oz) Ground Beef
  • (80 g) Cooked White Rice
  • (1 cup) Mushrooms
Block CarbsBlock ProteinsBlock FatsCalories
23g28.19g5.65g179 cal
nutritional value table

This is the food model that people who want to lose weight should rely on for pre workouts.

Ground beef, white rice and mushrooms make up a homogeneous meal of proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, which makes it an ideal lunch from 2 to 3 hours before your workout, it will give you enough energy and keep your body full for a long time.

Pre CrossFit Meal 3

  • (4.5 oz) Ground Chicken
  • (100 g) Sweet Potato Fries
  • (1 med) Cucumber
Block CrbsBlock ProteinsBlock FatsCalories
27g29.6g0.6g395 cal
nutritional value table

Ground chicken is easy to digest and is a great boost of protein before exercise, especially high-intensity CrossFit exercises. Sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, which are a good energy boost. Cucumber can keep your body away from feeling dehydrated. It can be added to half a glass of water and you will get a refreshing flavor And you won’t feel thirsty.

Pre CrossFit Meal 4

  • (5 oz) Canned Chicken
  • (1 tbsp fat-free) Mayo
  • (100g) White Tortilla
Block CarbsBlock ProteinsBlock FatsCalories
52.4g38g19.3g550 cal
nutritional value table

We know that chicken contains protein, but adding some plain white tortillas is a great combination for more energy and contains less fiber and this makes it easier to digest compared to a tortilla that contains a lot of sugar, you can add a little nut butter and a few slices of banana To ensure a strong boost of energy before exercise.

Pre CrossFit Meal 5 

crossfit eating
  • (4 oz) Turkey Deli
  • (1 large leaf) Lettuce
  • (1 laughing) Cow Cheese
  • ( 1 cup) Strawberries
Block CarbsBlock ProteinsBlock fatsCalories
14.5g19.7g6.5 g200 cal
nutritional value table

This is the food model that people who want to lose weight should rely on for pre workouts.

Turkey sandwich is one of the best meals that many athletes rely on before their intense exercises because it contains easily digestible carbohydrates. The fibers in lettuce can take a long time to digest, but it gives a mixture of energy after an hour and a half to two hours.

Strawberries contain simple carbohydrates that can be skipped quickly to get more energy and contain an important percentage of potassium that helps prevent any muscle cramps during exercise.

Pre CrossFit Meal 6

  • 8 Egg Whites
  • 1 Whole Egg 
  • Spinach and Salsa
  • (⅓ cup) Oats
  • (½ cup) Blueberries
  • 2 Fish Oil Capsules
Black CarbsBlock ProteinsBlock FatsCalories
59 g40 g10.5 g498 cal
nutritional value table

This meal can be relied upon before muscle building exercises because it contains an important amount of healthy nutrients, although it looks like a huge meal, but it contains a little fat and a good amount of protein and carbohydrates, if you want to build strong muscles, I advise you to eat this meal before resistance exercises Or any high intensity exercise.

Pre CrossFit Meal 7 

  • (1 can) Tuna
  • (1 oz) Cheddar Cheese
  • (4 tbsp) Salsa
  • 2 Rice Cakes
  • (2 tbsp) Peanut Butter
Block CarbsBlock ProteinsBlock FatsCalories
45 g54 g20.5 g581 cal
nutritional value table

This meal also contains several nutritional elements and can be relied upon as a main meal for energy before long CrossFit exercises, because it keeps your body full of enough fuel to continue with high-intensity exercises and helps build muscle well.

This group of food choices that can help lose weight, and there are foods that contain a large amount of calories are intended for people who want to maintain or increase their weight and build muscle.

The rule of eating before exercise.

According to the Mayo Clinic, food should generally be eaten 1 to 3 hours before exercise until continuous high-intensity exercise.

You should continue to eat healthy meals throughout the day even if your goal is to lose weight.

The meals we presented today are only typical of a healthy meal before noon exercises, but there are other important meals such as breakfast, and snacks either before or after exercise, then dinner, which often contains a small number of calories to improve sleep quality and so on.

An easy guide for improving nutrition before exercise.

The Mayo Clinic also points out that many adults ignore the essential importance of nutrition, so that the exercise plan and fitness plan can fail due to the body not getting enough macronutrients, minerals, and so on.

Eating healthy is easy and it is important to take care of healthy eating.

  • You should eat a lot of fruits (avoid those that are high in sugar, especially on days when you are not training).
  • Consume a good amount of protein daily (fat-free)
  • Get enough carbohydrates. (The main sources are whole grains)
  • Provide plenty of fluids, especially water.
Hamza Bjr
Hamza Bjr

Hamza started his journey with building fitness and strong muscles 4 years ago, he was able to successfully change the shape of his body and he was able to earn a third-class coach certificate from the "SET" Center, after that he decided to use his simple knowledge about exercises and high-intensity training to help many others people achieve their goals.

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