
15 weighted Vest Workouts To Boost Your Strength

The top weighted vest workouts for beginners and athletes!

Wearing a weighted vest during exercise can improve your performance and make you gain high agility, and a weighted vest is effective in building muscle strength and body endurance.

CrossFit athletes use the weighted vest as an additional weight in order to tire their muscles more and instead of double effort, and wearing the weight vest can increase the number of calories burned while maintaining the mineral density in the bones.

If you have never tried training with a weighted vest, this is the chance. More than 10 CrossFit wods using a weighted vest, you will notice that your strength improves quickly and you will also gain lightness and become in better shape.

How heavy is a weighted vest ?

Weighted vests typically range from 10 to 50 pounds, with some heavier options available for advanced users. The weight can be adjusted in smaller increments within this range, allowing users to customize the load based on their fitness level and workout goals.

The weight of the vest is related to the weight of the body, so specialists recommend wearing vests that weigh no more than 10% of the body weight.

Beginner’s Weighted Vest weight

For beginners, it is necessary to start with a vest that weighs about 4% of their body weight for a better start and to reduce the margin of exposure to injury, and it is preferable that the vest be adjustable, meaning that its weight can be adjusted and gradually increased.

So a beginner’s vest may weigh between 5 and 12 and lbs.

Athlete’s Weighted Vest Weight

Professionals may be able to wear a jacket that weighs 10% of their weight without problems and may weigh more than 50 pounds, and some weight-carrying fanatics can wear heavier vests.

15 Workout using weighted vest

Advice for beginners: Before integrating with any of these exercises, you must gain some previous fitness, and you must be aware of the level of your endurance capabilities.

All you have to do is take the advice of your coach to do these exercises in a safe way that does not pose a threat to your physical health.

BIG NOTE :  The beginner vest should not exceed 12 pounds (max) for men and 8 pounds (max) for women.

1- Weighted Vest Workout / GUNNY

GUNNY includes cardio and running exercises with a weighted vest.

  • 1 mile Weighted Run (50 / 35 lb)
  • 50 Push Ups
  • 50 Sit Ups
  • 1 mile Weighted Run (50 / 35 lb)
  • 50 Push Ups
  • 50 Sit Ups
  • 1 mile Weighted Run

WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

====> Build Your Strength Fast < ==== 


Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 800 meter Run
  • 32 Jumping Air Squats
  • 32 Lunges
  • 32 Weighted Sit Ups (use a 45 / 25 lb plate)
  • 32 Burpees

WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

4 Rounds for best results

3- RENé (LITE)

Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 300 meter run
  • 21 Walking Lunges
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 9 Burpees

 WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

4 or 5 Rounds for best results


Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)


  • 100 Air Squats


  • Box Jumps (30 / 24 in)
  • Wall Ball Shots (20 / 14 lb)
  • Kettlebell Swing ( 55 / 35 lb)
  • 200 meter Run

50-40-30-20-10 Reps


  • 4 Rounds of 5 Deadlifts (80% max)

 WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

BUY IN: This term is given to the pre-wod exercise, as it is a warm-up or preparation for the main workout.

CASH OUT: This term is given to the post-wod that you should do immediately after the main workout is over.

5- Weighted Vest Workout : JOSIE (LITE)

Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 1 mile Run

Then, 3 Rounds of :

  • 30 Burpees
  • 4 Power Cleans (75 / 55 lb)
  • 6 Front Squats (75 / 55 lb)

Then 1 mile Run

 WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

Note: These 5 Workouts are given by WODWELL.COM, They are all military exercises and are of high intensity, so I highly recommend, especially beginners, not to try to play the role of champions, start with a very light jacket and do as many repetitions as you can tolerate.


Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • Push Ups (2 min)
  • Sit Ups (2 min)
  • Air Squats (2 min)
  • Mountain Climbers (2 min)
  • Walking Lunges (2 min)

WORKOUT TYPE: TABATA/ The Tabata rule is as follows: You have 2 minutes of squatting (20 workout and 10 seconds rest until you complete the exercise).

Time : 10 min

2 to 3 Rounds for best results

====> Get Your 6 Pack Abs Easily With This Wods < ==== 

7- Weighted Vest Workout : AMRAP WOD

Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 200 meter Run
  • 5 pull Ups
  • 20 Push Ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 meter Run

AMRAP: As Many Rounds (Reps) As Possible, meaning you have to do as many reps as you can in 20 min

8- Weighted Vest Workout : EMOM WOD

Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

Start with 100 meter sprint withouts vest

Then 3 Rounds of: 

  • Push Ups
  • Jumping Jacks
  • V Ups
  • Mountain Climbers

Finish with 100 Air Squats without vest

WORKOUT TYPE: EMOM/ Timing : 20 min / every minute on a minute

 EX: if you done 40 Push Ups under 1 min (ex: 40 sec) then you have 20 sec for resting / and prepare for the next minute and the next move.

====> More Than 50 CrossFit Wods Without Equipment < ====


Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 20 Single leg squats with Dumbbell ( 55 / 35 lb)
  • 20 Mountain climbers
  • 20 Goblet squats with Dumbbells (55 / 35 lb)
  • 20 Russian twist
  • 20 Dumbbell snatches (45 / 25 lb)
  • 20 Russian twist
  • 20 Single arm Dumbbell swings
  • 20 Mountain climbers

 WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

====> Best CrossFit Dumbbell Workouts To Try < ====


Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 200 M run / or 40 Double unders
  • 21 Kettlebell swings (choose any weights  you can handle)
  • 8 Pull Ups / Alternate

WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

3 Rounds for best results


  • 25 Forward lunges with kettlebell (40 / 25 lb)
  • 15 Sit Ups
  • 25 Lunge with twist KB (35 / 25 lb)
  • 15 Sit Ups
  • 25 Kettlebell deadlifts (45 / 35 lb)
  • 15 Sit Ups

WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

2 to 3 Rounds for best results

====> Best CrossFit Kettlebell Workouts < ====

12-Weighted Vest Workout : WARRIOR 80

 Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 80 meter sprint
  • 80 Air Squats
  • 80 Push Ups
  • 80 Mountain Climbers
  • 80 meter sprint

WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

Take 1 min rest when you need to

====> Increase Your Running Endurance < ====


 Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 15 Thrusters (20.5 / 15.5 kg)
  • 5 Chest to bar Pull Ups
  • 15 Thrusters (20.5 / 15.5 kg)
  • 5 Bar muscle Ups
  • 15 Thrusters (20.5 / 15.5 kg)

WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

2 Rounds for best results

====> The Only Guide You Need To Get Your First Pull Up < ====


 Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 750 Meter row
  • 10 Handstand Push Ups
  • 80 Air squats
  • 10 Pull Ups

WOD TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

Complete 2 Rounds of each 2 sets


 Wear a weighted vest (20 / 14 lb)

  • 90 seconds Jump Rope

50-40-30-20-10 reps of : 

  • Lunges
  • Push Ups
  • Sit Ups

WORKOUT TYPE: FTW/ For Time Workout, that means you should complete the prescribed amount of work as fast as possible.

5 Rounds for best results

====> Best 10 CrossFit Jump Ropes < ====


How heavy should my weighted vest be for beginners?

Start with 5-10% of your body weight and gradually increase.

Can I wear a weighted vest every day?

It’s advisable to vary usage and allow rest days to prevent overtraining.

Are weighted vest workouts suitable for beginners?

Yes, start with lighter weights and simple exercises, gradually progressing.

Can I run with a weighted vest?

Yes, but begin with a light weight and focus on proper running form.

What exercises are effective with a weighted vest?

Bodyweight exercises like:
are excellent, along with walking or hiking.

Hamza Bjr

Hamza started his journey with building fitness and strong muscles 4 years ago, he was able to successfully change the shape of his body and he was able to earn a third-class coach certificate from the "SET" Center, after that he decided to use his simple knowledge about exercises and high-intensity training to help many others people achieve their goals.

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