How To Start CrossFit At Home Step By Step Beginner’s Guide

In the last two years, most of the people who love sports activities such as BodyPump, bodybuilding or yoga have been looking for effective ways to do them only at home, but can CrossFit be done at home?

As it is known that CrossFit activities may require a lot of equipment and space as well, but what most people do not know is that CrossFit activities can be modified to be suitable for doing at home.

Many beginners with CrossFit had their start with CrossFit only at home, and many of them were able to continue and achieve decent results.

That’s why we will answer most of the questions that may come to your mind if you are going to do CrossFit at home.

Let’s find out the answers together.

Can CrossFit be done at home?

Contrary to rumors that CrossFit should only be done in the gym (CrossFit Box), you can customize your own box at home or in the backyard.

All you will need is a fixed program for CrossFit activities, and you will also need some simple equipment and a good amount of space in order to perform the exercises with ease.

How to start CrossFit activities at home?

The beginnings differ from one person to another, there are those who start off well and others fail after a few days, and the reason why many beginners fail in their plan is that they do not have a plan at all.

So for a proper start, you need three things:

1. CrossFit program at home:

The program is very important because it keeps you alert and keeps you on the right track as well.

The program may include:

  • The exercises you will be doing throughout the month.
  • Strength exercises, cardio exercises, aerobic exercises, anaerobic exercises.
  • Rest and recovery days.

In CrossFit boxes they have the white board that includes the exercises they will do on a particular day, including the type of exercises, number of sets, number of repetitions, duration of training, and rest period between sets.

You should also do the same thing at home, because this will make it very easy for you.

Related: 25 Wod Suitable for beginners

CrossFit Push Ups

2. Crossfit diet program.

Healthy eating and consuming healthy nutrients is the basis of the pyramid on which CrossFit activities are based. If your diet is healthy and balanced, then also the results will be good, and if your diet was inappropriate, you will definitely face problems in body composition and fitness.

What type of diet is suitable for CrossFit activities?

The CrossFit Diet for Athletes contains 3 essential nutrients:

  • Carbohydrates: All your meals should contain this element.
  • Proteins: All your meals should also contain this element, and be sure to eat it immediately after training.
  • Healthy fats: Healthy fats are also important because they balance the diet and make things stable.

Recommended CrossFit Diet.

CrossFit specialists recommend the Zone Diet, because it encourages a balance of lean proteins and contains healthy nutrients such as: non-starchy vegetables, low-sugar fruits, seeds and nuts.

This diet excludes all foods that contain refined sugar or starch.

The basis of this diet is its effectiveness in managing hunger, improving blood management, reducing inflammation, keeping the body full throughout the day and not feeling hungry during exercise.

Related:Full guide of  (What CrossFit athletes eat?)

What CrossFit athletes eat

3. Good coach and some equipment.

The coach is the most important thing that you must have, because training alone or without experience may pose some risks and increase the possibility of injury.

Benefits of CrossFit trainers:

  • Pay attention to staying safe from injuries.
  • Leads you to achieve your fitness goals.
  • Offers you low-intensity exercises that suit your physical level.
  • Teaches you the techniques and basics of CrossFit, and how to do the movements correctly.
  • He knows when you should stop.

As for the equipment, it is necessary to have some necessary equipment such as dumbbells, some weights, a rubber band, a wooden box, a hanging bar, and one dedicated to this type of physical activity.

Equipment helps greatly to improve performance and obtain results.

Why should you take online classes for CrossFit?

Over the past two years, the demand for digital sports and taking remote classes has increased significantly, so that many people prefer to train at home, and this is what prompted many CrossFit centers to offer remote classes for their clients.

And in some studies conducted on CrossFit athletes who take online classes, it was actually discovered that these classes work well with them and effectively help them achieve their fitness goals, just like fitness centers.

How will online classes help beginners?

  • When you join a remote program, there are many benefits that you can reap from that, 
  • you will meet many people in the same situation and you will share experiences among you, 
  • you will be led by an able and professional trainer, 
  • you will undergo the same training that they do at CrossFit centers, 
  • you can choose the time Suitable for training, 
  • If you suffer from a lack of time due to work or study, it will be easy at home, meaning that the exercise will not take you as much time as going to the gym.
CrossFit online classes

How many days a week should you do CrossFit at home?

CrossFit is one of the activities that you may not want to do every day or many times during the week if you are a beginner, so just 3 classes a week will be very effective in working to improve your muscles and body.

You can increase the sessions if you notice that you are able to do so, and you can also increase the repetitions and the duration of the exercises.

Can CrossFit be done at home without equipment?

If you do not have the equipment to do CrossFit, this does not mean giving up, because there are many exercises that can be done and you do not need equipment, and exercises can also be performed using only your body weight.

What CrossFit exercises can be done without equipment?

  • running,
  • jumping on the box,
  • pull up,
  • Push-ups,
  • squat,
  • crunch,
  • Sit-Ups,

If you do not have weights that is not a problem, you can get a good weight training using any weights you have at home: a bottle full of water, a pillow, a bottle of milk… It is not necessary to have everything ready, the important thing is to do the exercises.

CrossFit jumping

Can you get the same results that they get in CrossFit centers?

If you do exactly what they do at CrossFit centers and you keep the program on schedule and train regularly, the answer is yes you can achieve good results at home.

When can you see results?

When it comes to the results and so on, you must control your mind because they come automatically, and the results may begin to appear from the first month, but you must give yourself some time between 4 and 6 months so that you can notice some progress.

What are the obstacles that you may face while doing CrossFit at home?

  • Some beginners said that they lack the spirit of challenge and competition, as in CrossFit centers the training is group and the atmosphere is stimulating.
  • Lack of discipline, many beginners found it difficult to stick to the exercises and continue on their own, so I highly recommend commitment and loving the challenge.
  • Not getting results, you may not get results despite all your efforts, but this happens when there is something wrong with your program, so you should always recalculate.
  • Space is not enough, sometimes you may want to perform some exercises that may require a large space or may require some equipment that is not easy to have at home.


One last tip in order to conclude, the most important thing that you should give importance is to do what you can, because doing CrossFit at home means that you will train on your own most of the time, and you may fall into situations that you may not know how to deal with,

So always try to consult your trainer Anything you want to do.

And the second tip, try to find a friend to train with, it will be fun and very motivating.

All you have to do is apply what is in this post, you do not need to pay a lot of money in order to get the same information. 

You just need a good coach to give you lessons remotely, and you can cancel the subscription when you are in control.

Share the post with your friends who are interested in doing CrossFit at home, and you are always welcome to join us in our mailing list.

Hamza Bjr
Hamza Bjr

Hamza started his journey with building fitness and strong muscles 4 years ago, he was able to successfully change the shape of his body and he was able to earn a third-class coach certificate from the "SET" Center, after that he decided to use his simple knowledge about exercises and high-intensity training to help many others people achieve their goals.

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