Supinated Dumbbell Curl: How To, Mistakes & Top Variations

I think you are ready to have attractive arms, right? This is a type of biceps curling exercise that tends to fatigue the muscle because you keep it under the pressure of the exercise all the time, and the supinated dumbbell curl exercise is one of the most powerful exercises that isolates the biceps muscles well. 

Why the supinated grip? Because it tends to operate the biceps muscle individually so that it does not use the brachialis muscles a lot, and this is what makes this exercise useful for the biceps muscles and is a strong addition to the biceps training routine.

In this post, we will approach the supinated dumbbell curl exercise well, and we will learn the correct way to do it step by step, and we will learn about the repetitions and equipment that you must go with according to your goals. We will also learn about the mistakes that you must avoid and provide professional advice to improve performance. Finally, we will learn about the best variants.

Let’s continue together!

What is a supinated dumbbell curl and how is it different with a hammer curl?

supinated grip vs hammer grip

The supinated dumbbell curl is an isolation exercise for the biceps. It is a variant of the regular dumbbell curl exercise, but this exercise is based on the supinated grip (palms facing the ceiling while curling), usually bodybuilders tend to do this exercise to exhaust the biceps muscle and exhaust it during the exercises.

The supinated grip (palms facing the ceiling) differs from the hammer grip (palms facing each other) in that it engages the biceps muscles individually without the involvement of the brachialis by dealing with weight pressure, unlike the hammer curl which engages the brachialis muscles secondarily, but the goal behind both fists is to operate the brachialis muscles. Biceps and stimulate it to grow.

By integrating the hammer & supinated grip during biceps exercises, these two grips can form a great duo for hypertrophy, building muscle endurance and sculpting.

  • Mechanics : Isolated
  • Force : Pull
  • Utility : Basic

Study : The influence of grip on biceps

Dumbbell supinated curl : muscle activation

  • Biceps Brachii : The biceps muscles remain tense throughout the exercise, from the moment of holding the dumbbells with the supinated grip, the biceps muscles remain stretched under the pressure of the weight, then the biceps muscles begin to contract and you shorten the muscle fibers to pull the weight towards the shoulder, then you lowered the weight and extend the biceps muscle again in a position in which the fibers are It is subject to eccentric contraction and acts as a brake to control movement.
supinated dumbbell curl muscle worked

How to properly perform the supinated dumbbell curl

The supinated dumbbell curl is an easy exercise, but when you make mistakes in performing it, you will not get good results, and you may suffer an injury in one of your elbow joints, but if you follow this step-by-step guide, you will be able to do this exercise professionally from your first attempts.

  • First, choose dumbbells with a weight that matches your fitness level and can be controlled.
  • Hold the dumbbells with a supinated grip (keep your palms facing forward), stand up straight with your back straight.
  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your chest tight and pushed forward, and your elbows at the sides of your body.
  • Start by slowly curling the weight towards your shoulders and make a slight pause when you have a good contraction of the biceps.
  • Let the weight drop slowly and try to feel the biceps muscles under the pressure of the weight until they return to the previous position.
  • In the same way, do the same with the other arm as many repetitions as you desire.

Professional advice for improving performance:

This advice is intended for beginners in particular. First, try to choose the weight carefully, and it is better that it be light weights, because isolation exercises such as the dumbbell supinated curl exercise require concentration and a clean form. 

You may do 6 successful repetitions better than 20 repetitions full of mistakes. So keep the right technique.

Also, pay attention to the rhythm of the repetitions. Your movement should be slow to keep the muscles under pressure as much as possible. 

Avoid any kind of momentum or cheating. If you discover that you need to swing backwards in order to pull the weight, this means that you are going with weights that exceed your fitness level.

Finally, try to focus on curling the biceps muscles well, take advantage of the full range of motion available to contract and extend the biceps muscles perfectly, and adopt the underhand grip throughout the exercise, and do not forget to keep your elbows on the sides of your body and in a neutral manner.

Supinated dumbbell curl : Training program 

FITNESS LEVELFor StrengthFor HypertrophyFor Endurance
BeginnerSets : 3 – 6
Reps : 1 – 6
Weights : 5 – 10 lbs
Sets : 3 – 5
Reps : 8 – 12
Weights : 5 – 15 lbs
Sets : 2 – 3
Reps : 10+
Weights : 5 – 10 lbs
IntermediateSets : 3 – 6
Reps : 1 – 6
Weights : 10 – 20 lbs
Sets : 3 – 5
Reps : 8 – 12
Weights : 15 – 30 lbs
Sets : 2 – 3
Reps : 12+
Weights : 10 – 20 lbs
AdvancedSets : 3 – 6
Reps : 1 – 6
Weights : 20+ lbs
Sets : 3 – 5
Reps : 8 – 12
Weights : 30+ lbs
Sets : 2 – 3
Reps : 15+
Weights : 20+ lbs
Table of biceps training program

Biceps (supinated curl): workout routine

Day 1 – Strength

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio or dynamic stretching
  • Dumbbell Supinated Curl: 3-6 sets of 1-6 reps at a weight that is challenging but allows for good form and technique
  • Hammer Curl: 3-6 sets of 6-8 reps at a weight that is challenging but allows for good form and technique
  • Rest: 1-2 minutes between sets
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of static stretching

Day 2 – Hypertrophy

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio or dynamic stretching
  • Dumbbell Supinated Curl: 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps at a weight that is challenging but allows for good form and technique
  • Cable Curl: 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps at a weight that is challenging but allows for good form and technique
  • Rest: 1-2 minutes between sets
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of static stretching

Day 3 – Endurance

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio or dynamic stretching
  • Dumbbell Supinated Curl: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps at a weight that is challenging but allows for good form and technique
  • Resistance Band Curl: 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps at a weight that is challenging but allows for good form and technique
  • Rest: 30-60 seconds between sets
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of static stretching

Mistakes to avoid during supinated dumbbell curl 

We always point out that mistakes will not help you achieve any progress, but they remain a natural thing, and there is no person who does not make mistakes, but we must work to correct mistakes in order to improve fitness and avoid injuries as well.

So here are some common mistakes that you will want to avoid while doing the supinated dumbbell curl exercise:

Using too much weight:

  • As we always mention, isolation exercises do not need heavy weights except in some cases, according to your goals, etc., but in general, beginners should not use too many weights in order to improve performance and build strong fitness, as well as avoid injury.

Lifting the elbows away from the body:

  • Also, this is a common mistake, but it is easy to correct it. All you have to do is fix your elbows on the sides of your body all the time. 
  • Think as if your elbows are sticking to your body and do not move it throughout the exercise so as not to put unnecessary pressure on the shoulder joints and reduce the quality of the exercise.

Wrist flexion:

  • This is also a mistake that you must correct, as bending the wrist can put unwanted pressure on the forearms and can expose you to injury in your wrists, so keep your wrist straight with the forearm throughout the exercise and do not use your wrist to lift the load. Keep your wrist neutral.

Using momentum to lift weight:

  • If you use momentum to lift the weight here, the exercise becomes almost useless because you often go with weights that exceed your fitness level and therefore you cannot carry the weight and you use momentum to complete the repetitions. This is not good, go with the weight that keeps your muscles tense without doing any momentum.

Quickly pull and lower weight:

  • This is an isolation exercise and isolation exercises. It is better to adopt some slowness while doing it. The slower your movement, the more you target your biceps and keep it under tension. Here some people reduce weight quickly, and this may expose them to injury, especially if the weight is heavy, so keep calm and slow.

What are the benefits ?

  • Increased muscle endurance 
  • Isolation : this exercises can transform your biceps well
  • Improving grip strength
  • Can help build a functional strength, which is your ability to perform daily activities with ease
  • Help you improve athletic performance 

Know more about the benefits

Best 3 variations for supinated dumbbell curl 

Variables work in the same way and target the same muscles, and can increase the development of the biceps muscle if you target it by switching grip and weights, as well as the method of pulling, etc., so here are the best 3 variants that work with the same efficiency.

Dumbbell Zottman curl:

This variable is considered one of the powerful biceps exercises that target the muscles strongly and stimulate them to work and grow, so that Zottman curls depend on integrating two fists in the same exercise so that you pull the weight with an overhand grip. After contracting the biceps muscle, you turn your fist to (underhand), then you lower the weight again, and the exercise steps remain the same.

Dumbbell Hammer curl:

This is also one of the most powerful biceps exercises that works to strengthen your entire arm, not just the biceps muscles, so that you incorporate the brachialis that extends from the bottom of the biceps muscle towards the forearm, which makes your arm gain muscle everywhere and works very efficiently along with the supinated dumbbell curl.

Hammer curl depends on keeping your palms facing you throughout the exercise and pulling and lowering the weight as if you were hitting a nail with a hammer.

Supinated dumbbell preacher curl:

This is another variant of the supinated dumbbell curl itself, but this exercise makes it absolutely sure that you will target the biceps so that it allows you to focus on the biceps well and keep them under pressure throughout the exercise and there is no way to keep the muscles in a resting position.

This exercise is done by fixing the elbows on an inclined pillow. It does not matter your position, whether you are standing or sitting on the bench, because the purpose of this exercise is to stabilize the elbows, control the movement and press the muscles well.


Is the supinated dumbbell curl better than other biceps exercises?

It depends on your goals in particular, each exercise has its advantages, and what distinguishes the supinated grip is that it isolates the biceps more than other exercises during curls, but other biceps exercises are important for developing and strengthening muscles.

How often should I perform the supinated dumbbell curl?

Also, this depends on your fitness routine and your goals. In general, it is recommended to train the biceps muscles along with other upper body muscles from 2 to 3 sessions per week, and allow the muscles to recover for at least a full day before training them again.

Can I use a barbell instead of dumbbells for the supinated curl?

Yes, you can do that, and you can work with a barbell with the same efficiency or more, but it is less challenging compared to dumbbells, but what distinguishes it is that it helps you carry heavier weights and control more in the path of movement, as you can adhere to a more supinated grip with a barbell.

supinated barbell curl

Can the supinated dumbbell curl help prevent elbow pain?

The supinated dumbbell curl exercise can help you strengthen your biceps and improve elbow flexibility, and it can reduce elbow joint pain, but you should stick to going with light weights, but in most cases you should consult a specialist.

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Hamza Bjr
Hamza Bjr

Hamza started his journey with building fitness and strong muscles 4 years ago, he was able to successfully change the shape of his body and he was able to earn a third-class coach certificate from the "SET" Center, after that he decided to use his simple knowledge about exercises and high-intensity training to help many others people achieve their goals.

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